Source code for pynlo.util.ode_solve.steppers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
ODE solver, adapted from Numerical Recipes

@author: ycasg
import numpy as np
import exceptions
import warnings


[docs]class Output: """ The output class is used by the ode solver to store the integrated output at specified *x* values. In addition to housing the matrices containing the *x* and *y* data, the class also provides a simple function call to store new data and resizes the output grids dynamically. Parameters ---------- nsaves Number of anticipated save points, used for calculating value of *x* at which integrand will be evaluted and saved. """ kmax = 0 nvar = 0 nsave = 0 dense = True count = 0 x1 = 0.0 x2 = 0.0 xout = 0.0 dxout = 0.0 xsave = None ysave = None def __init__(self, nsaves = None): if nsaves is None: self.kmax = -1 self.dense = False self.count = 0 else: self.kmax = 500 self.nsave = nsaves self.count = 0 self.dense = nsaves > 0
[docs] def init(self, neqn, xlo, xhi, dtype = np.double): """ Setup routine, which creates the output arrays. If nsaves was provided at class initialization, the positions at which the integrand will be saved are also calculated. Parameters ---------- neqn: Number of equations, or the number of y values at each x. xlo: Lower bound of integration (start point.) xhi: Upper bound of integration (stop point.) dtype: Data type of each y. Any Python data type is acceptable. """ self.nvar = neqn self.dtype = dtype if self.kmax == -1: return self.ysave = np.zeros((self.kmax, self.nvar), dtype = dtype) self.xsave = np.zeros((self.kmax), dtype = dtype) if self.dense: self.x1 = xlo self.x2 = xhi self.xout = self.x1 self.dxout = (self.x2-self.x1) / float(self.nsave)
def resize(self): kold = self.kmax self.kmax *= 2 # Reshape x newx = np.zeros((self.kmax,), dtype = self.xsave.dtype) newx[:kold] = self.xsave self.xsave = newx # Reshape y newy = np.zeros((self.kmax, self.nvar), dtype = self.dtype) newy[0:kold,:] = self.ysave self.ysave = newy def save_dense(self, s, xout, h): if self.count == self.kmax: self.resize() y = s.dense_out(xout, h) if self.ysave.dtype != y.dtype: errmsg = 'Integrand returns ',str(y.dtype),' but workspaces are initialized to ',str(self.ysave.dtype),'!' raise exceptions.TypeError(errmsg) self.ysave[self.count, :] = y self.xsave[self.count] = xout self.count += 1 def save(self, x, y): if self.ysave.dtype != y.dtype: errmsg = 'Integrand returns ',str(y.dtype),' but workspaces are initialized to ',str(self.ysave.dtype),'!' raise exceptions.TypeError(errmsg) if self.kmax <= 0: return if self.count == self.kmax: self.resize() self.ysave[self.count, :] = y self.xsave[self.count] = x self.count += 1
[docs] def out(self, nstp, x, y, s, h): """ nstp is current step number, current values are x & y, Stepper is s and step size is h""" if not self.dense: e = exceptions.AttributeError('Dense output is not set in Output!') raise e if nstp == 1:,y) self.xout += self.dxout else: while (x-self.xout)*(self.x2-self.x1) > 0.0: self.save_dense(s, self.xout, h) self.xout += self.dxout
[docs]class StepperBase: x = 0.0 xold = 0.0 y = None dydx = None atol = 0.0 rtol = 0.0 dense = True hdid = 0.0 hnext = 0.0 EPS = np.finfo(np.double).eps n = 0 neqn = 0 yout = None yerr = None dtype = None def __init__(self, yy, dydxx, xx, atoll, rtoll, dense): self.x = xx self.y = yy # Reference assignments (y & yy are same object) self.dydx = dydxx self.atol = atoll self.rtol = rtoll self.dense = dense self.n = len(yy) self.neqn = self.n self.dtype = yy.dtype self.yout = self.gen_array() self.yerr = self.gen_array() def gen_array(self): return np.zeros( (self.n,), dtype = self.dtype)
[docs]class ODEint: MAXSTP = 50000 EPS = np.finfo(np.double).eps nok = 0 nbad = 0 nvar = 0 x1 = 0.0 x2 = 0.0 hmin = 0.0 dense = True # True if dense output is requested y = None dydx = None ystart = None output = None RHS_class = None # function which evaluates dydx s = None # stepper class instance nstp = 0 h = 0.0 def __init__(self, ystartt, xx1, xx2, atol, rtol, h1, hminn, outt, stepper_class, RHS_class, dense = True, dtype = None): """ Class for integrating ODEs. Notes ----- This code is based upon *Numerical Recipes 3rd edition*'s imlementation, but with some changes due to the translation: 1.) The ODE is passed as a class instance 'RHS_class'. This class must have a member function deriv(x,y,dydx) which calculates the RHS and writes the value into dydx. 2.) Unlike the NR version, ODEint is not derived from the stepper. instead, the stepper class to be used is passed to the ODEint constructor (stepper_class). 3.) As a consequence of (2), x and y are stored in the stepper instance (ODEint.s) and not in ODEint iteself. """ self.nvar = len(ystartt) # If no dtype is specified, use the data type of ystartt if dtype is None: dtype = ystartt.dtype self.dtype = dtype self.y = np.ndarray((self.nvar,), dtype=dtype) self.dydx = np.ndarray((self.nvar,), dtype=dtype) self.ystart= ystartt self.x1 = xx1 self.x2 = xx2 self.hmin = hminn self.dense = dense self.out = outt self.RHS_class= RHS_class self.s = stepper_class(self.y, self.dydx, self.x1, atol, rtol, dense) self.h = np.abs(h1)*np.sign(xx2-xx1) self.y[:] = self.ystart self.out.init(self.s.neqn, self.x1, self.x2, dtype = self.dtype) def integrate(self): self.RHS_class.deriv(self.x1, self.y, self.dydx) if self.dense: self.out.out(-1, self.x1, self.y, self.s, self.h) else:, self.y) for self.nstp in xrange(self.MAXSTP): if (self.s.x+self.h*1.0001 - self.x2 ) / (self.x2-self.x1) > 0.0: self.h = self.x2-self.s.x # If we would overshoot x2, reduce step size self.s.step(self.h, self.RHS_class) if self.s.hdid == self.h: self.nok+=1 else: self.nbad+=1 if self.dense: self.out.out(self.nstp, self.s.x, self.s.y, self.s, self.s.hdid) else:, self.s.y) if (self.s.x-self.x2)*(self.x2-self.x1) >= 0: self.ystart[:] = self.s.y if self.out.kmax > 0 and\ abs(self.out.xsave[self.out.count-1]-self.x2) >\ 100.0*abs(self.x2)*self.EPS:, self.s.y) return if abs(self.s.hnext) <= self.hmin: e = exceptions.RuntimeError('Step size below minimum specified value.') raise e self.h = self.s.hnext e = exceptions.RuntimeError('Integrator took too many steps without finishing.') raise e